


金属制造 和 焊接技术 Major Earns First Place in Regional Competition


亚历克斯Cahoone, a Second-Year 金属制造 和 焊接技术 major, was recently named the overall winner of the Project MFG 海军/Maritime Welding Competition. He earned the top score out of 94 competitors from three separate competitions that took place at the Philly Shipyard, the Peninsula 员工发展 Center, 和匹兹堡皇冠体育娱乐场网址.

The competition tested students on the skills required for shipbuilding during a two-hour competition. An overall winner was chosen by scoring each location collectively. Alex competed in the Philly Shipyard competition.

Project MFG partnered with the Pennsylvania Talent Pipeline Project, 弗吉尼亚人才输送项目,  U.S. 海军, 和 Department of Defense to host the Project MFG 海军/Maritime Welding Competitions 和 other career exploration events in an effort to raise awareness about well-paying careers in maritime manufacturing, 比如焊接, 加工, 和物流. The collaborative effort brought in 94 competitors 和 drew more than 650 students to the events, 和 provided employers the opportunity to engage with 和 begin recruiting students.

“我相信你是知道的, there is a growing need for welders with your talent,雷·迪克说, MFG项目的创始人. “Your performance demonstrates the dedication 和 effort you have spent to become a highly skilled welder.”

Learn more about this competition on the Project MFG website.

Alex 和 two other students from 塞迪斯史蒂文斯学院 of Technology were awarded first, 第二个, 和 third place at the regional competition at the Philly Shipyard last fall. 阅读更多皇冠信用盘这次比赛的信息.

电脑 & 网络系统管理 Program Welcomes Guest Speakers


每年,我们的电脑 & 网络系统管理 (CNSA) program invites guest speakers to their classroom to spend time connecting with 第二个-year students. 这些演讲嘉宾, 谁通常也是项目的校友, provide insight into their employment in the industry, 回答问题, offer career trajectory advice 和 guidance, 还有更多.

So far this year, the program has welcomed guests from 克拉克的同事铰链.

Christine Cruz (an IT Project Manager/Helpdesk Supervisor), Megan Miller (an NOC Supervisor 和 CNSA program graduate), 和 Mariel Stoltfolz (a Document Manager 和 CNSA program graduate) spoke earlier in October to students on a variety of topics. 所有三个, who are currently employed by 克拉克的同事, 讨论了他们的工作范围, 从监控公司的网络, 网站, 网络资产, 与员工紧密合作, 帮助台, 和安全, 还有更多. 他们还提供了面试技巧, sharing thoughtful examples of what it was like both to be interviewed by 克拉克的同事, as well as to interview potential new employees for the company.

除了, Megan 和 Mariel shared insight on the ways in which the h和s-on experiences 和 skills they gained in the CNSA program at 皇冠体育娱乐场网址 have supported their growth within the company, as both have been promoted to leadership positions.

They closed their presentation by encouraging students to communicate, 挑战自我, 从错误中学习, 不断学习.

Br和on Pearce is an Enterprise Security Manager with 铰链 who works from the company’s headquarters in New York City. He's also as a recent CNSA program graduate. 除了 to speaking to students in late October on many of the same topics as our guests from 克拉克的同事, he also provided helpful advice on how students can be successful in their final year of the CNSA program.

Current CNSA students asked lots of great questions during their presentations, which resulted in additional information 和 insight being shared on topics that ranged from job shadow opportunities, “生命中的一天”, to the value of a two-year degree from 皇冠体育娱乐场网址, 梦想与渴望, 还有更多.

The program looks forward to continuing this impactful tradition 和 welcoming future guest speakers, who include 援助an Downes (a Software Engineering Manager at Google), Evan Phyillaier (an Application Analyst at eCore), Evan Templin (a Software Developer at Crestwood Associates), 和 Evan Trowbridge (a Software Developer at Crestwood Associates).


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